Rev. Jeremy A. Dawson is the South Asia Regional Representative for THE P.E.A.C.E PLAN (www.thepeaceplan.com)
which envisions a network of churches working together to Plant Churches, Equip Servant Leaders, Assist the poor,
Care for the sick and Educate the next generation.
He has led churches in joint social action projects and trained pastors in The PEACE PLAN across India and abroad.
Pastor Jeremy has been in pastoral ministry for 28 years.
He has served as the senior pastor of the central Delhi Bible Fellowship for 18 years (1997 –2015).
He did his bachelors from the Adelaide College of Ministries (Australia 1992) and his masters from Columbia International University (USA 2016).
He founded his current church – Covenant Life in 2016 and seeks to activate the army of lay members of churches to serve on mission.
He has also invested in training pastors in church health, preaching and discipleship in India and the surrounding countries.
His heart is for the health of the local church and the local pastor.
He aims to equip the independent lone church planters and evangelists with confidence in their calling and courage in their journey.