You were made for mission along with every other Christian in the world.
God has a unique role which He has shaped you for in reaching out to others
by serving and loving them.
At Covenant Life, our missions strategy is The P.E.A.C.E Plan
- This is a strategy that was modelled after Jesus’s five fold ministry and which is done by ordinary believers irrespective of where they are.
“Ordinary people, empowered by God, doing what Jesus did - Wherever they are”

I have been personally blessed after reading the first few chapters of this book "A Mind for Missions by Paul Borthwick",
so much so that I thought I have to share it with you all to read.
I will be sharing "A chapter a week" so it will be a quick read as we choose to tune into the real heart of missions! After reading each chapter, send me thoughts or questions and I would love to have a conversation going.
Click here to read :
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
At Covenant Life we believe that the Church is the engine for transformation in every community.
Believers are taught to understand and live out the unique ways God created them to make an impact in any community.
Discovering Missions is your next step in growing stronger as a Christian and fulfilling the purposes of God.